Hi miRcorers!
Today, Dr. Lee introduced the GDC Data Portal from the National Cancer Institute (NIH) to everyone which we used to find important data for different types of pancreatic cancer, like survival rate and significant genes. It is a very good resource to use for our research. The NIH also has a page on their website about pancreatic cancer and common cancer statistics (https://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/), which is another very good informational resource to compare pancreatic cancer with other cancers. We had a short icebreaker to help everyone learn more names.
We resumed research in the temporary groups from last week and began thinking of ideas to spread awareness for pancreatic cancer. Examples include making posters, infographics, t-shirts, etc. Please finish those awareness materials at home for the next meeting if you didn’t already finish. Once you are done, you can upload those materials with your group names into the “Final advocate product for Pancreatic cancer Research” folder.
We also had committee meetings today after the general meeting. For those that are interested in joining a committee, you can “shadow” a meeting so that you can get the idea of what the committee does and which one you would be most interested in. Please contact the committee leader you interested in if you have any interest in joining!
See you all next week!