miRcore Volunteer Communication

Update 2/22/2023

Dear miRcorers,

I am so grateful to Drs. Beer, Uhler, and Yee who spent a long time giving advice to as many groups as possible. Please write your thank you note in this weekend’s projection form. I will convey your thank you and questions to them. If you want to directly contact them in addition, here is their contact information.

Dr. David Beer: dgbeer@med.umich.edu

Dr. Michale Uhler: muhler@med.umich.edu

Dr. Jennifer Yee: chunlai@med.umich.edu

1) Microgrant proposal translation to elevator pitch

With the busy schedule with professors last weekend, students didn’t have time to make an elevator pitch of the proposal by Drs. Scott Soleimanpour and Vaibhav Sidarala at University of Michigan. Here is the page 1 of their proposal: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PfSIYlr2ALp1a-m3uIXggge644qiZsjTRLQkaviGm5Q/edit?usp=sharing

Please try to understand the proposal and write an elevator pitch in a new document with your name as a title here.


I will share your elevator pitch with them. Dr. Soleimanpour is an Associate professor and leads multiple T1D programs at the UM medical school.

Also, please donate to support Drs. Soleimanpour and Sidarala’s research here if you haven’t, yet. https://www.mircore.org/fundraiser/

2) From CA committee

Our CA committee movie bonding night has been rescheduled to this Saturday, the 25th @ 8 pm PT! Hope to see everyone there.

3) Citizen Scientist Sequencing Initiative (CSSI) update

Thank you for your interest! We had the first meeting last weekend and I am so excited about this CSSI pilot program.

We have a new website for CSSI: https://ourgenomes.org

4) Linux

While you are finishing up your research and writing abstracts, we will start teaching you Linux usage more in detail. Linux commands are essential to sequencing data analysis!

For Windows 10/11 users: if you haven’t, please download Ubuntu: https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/install-ubuntu-on-wsl2-on-windows-11-with-gui-support#1-overview

5) Upcoming events/reminder (repeat item)

March 11th: 2nd MSA training conference where Dr. Cecelia Bellcross (Professor, Emory University) will give a talk on genetic counseling at 10 am ET. Please mark your calendar. Open to all GIDAS and MVP members and family.

March 5th: Research abstract submission due date

March 25th: 10th Annual High School GIDAS Conference

6) Meeting projection form


Please submit the form by Friday midnight.

Inhan Lee, Ph.D.

Have Questions?

Visit the FAQ page to see commonly asked questions and their answers!




Featured Speaker Talks

Eric Green, M.D., Ph.D., Director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, NIH talks to miRcore students about the role of genomics in modern medicine.

Francis Collins, M.D., Ph.D.Director, National Institute of Health speaks to miRcore students about COVID-19, health disparities, and precision medicine.

Jonathan Pevsner, Ph.D, Chief of Genomics Research Branch, NIMH, NIH speaks to miRcore students on the topic of Genes and Mental Health.

miRcore Volunteer Recommendations

How to Use Zoom, MVP GDrive, and Skribbl.io

How to use Zoom

Zoom is a free platform that offers video conferencing, screen sharing, and chatroom functionalities. You can seamlessly set up online meetings, send out invitations for people to join, and add meetings to your Microsoft Outlook/Google Calendar using Zoom. All miRcore volunteers are expected to have Zoom installed for use in group research meetings and committee meetings.

You can download the Zoom Desktop application (the “Zoom Client”) for Mac or PC here: here.

Instructions for setting up and using Zoom are available here.

The Zoom application is also available for mobile devices: Zoom at the App Store and Zoom on Google Play

How to Navigate the miRcore Volunteer Program’s Google Drive Folders

At the beginning of each volunteering season, miRcore volunteers receive access to several Google Drive folders containing resources for research, fundraising, and other miRcore activities. Depending on the folder, volunteers will have “View only” or “Editing” permission in each Drive folder.

Please see this presentation (courtesy of Rhea Cong, miRcore Volunteer Program Vice President, 2019-20) for details on how to navigate the Drive system and set up research folders for your research group: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1kPN7IqIh8NPYgdk8NSMoP75IeOhktjDonkzng510m-E/edit?usp=sharing

Google Drive Hierarchy (Folders and Subfolders)

• 2019-20 MVP Resources
• Useful files
• RNA division
• Practice Data
• Meeting Slides
• 2019-20 MVP Research
• MVP online
• MVP general
• Fundraisers
• miRcore Officers 2019-2020 (this folder is accessible only to miRcore Officers)

Skribbl.io Instructions

How to Join:

• Have one member go to skribbl.io
• Have that member click ‘Create Private Room’
• Change the settings to 8 rounds and 40 seconds per turn
• That group member will send the link (at the bottom) to the other people to join
Once everybody has clicked the link and is in the room, press start!

The goal of the game is to try to guess what other people are drawing. When it’s your turn to draw, try to make your drawing convey the word you are given so that other people will be able to guess. The person with the most points wins.

Today’s game should start and wrap up in about 10 mins.

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