R Programming Camp for High School Students
This camp provides statistical methods in the context of disease research. It is for current (2017-18) high school and exceptional 8th grade students who want to learn computer programming in relation to future biomedical applications. R is a statistical tool and programming language with excellent graphic options, useful in various application areas such as medicine, public policy, and economics. After R is introduced, the students will assess current biomedical problems and identify useful tools for research. Students will be encouraged to write a program to aid in biological research and to share the program online as authors such as through GitHub.
Please note that this camp is not residential.
DATE: July 23-27, 2018 (Mon – Fri) TIME: 9 am – 4:30 pm
LOCATION: Undergraduate Science Building, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
INTENDED AUDIENCE: Academically motivated current (2017-18) high school and exceptional 8th grade students interested in computers, math, science, and medicine.
FEE*: $530 (with premium membership**: $450.00; automatic basic memership included for all campers)
*After reviewing your essay in the registration form, we will inform you regarding acceptance within 5 buisness days. If accepted, you will be sent payment options. Limited partial scholarships are available for financially difficult students such as those who are in free or reduced lunch program. Proof of income are required.
**You may want to consider high school student premium membership.
Bring a laptop and lunch (morning and afternoon snacks provided).
Sponsor: Women In Science and Engineering (WISE)
- Expose high school students to career opportunities in biomedicine through hands-on experience in computational genomics and prepare them for the emerging era of medical genomics, when all doctors must be well-acquainted with genetic discoveries, technologies, and applications.
- Identify potential GIDAS (Genes In Diseases And Symptoms) club leaders at their schools.
Specific Aims
- Understand current biomedical problems in terms of genetics and what is required to contribute to next-generation medical practices.
- Understand biology concepts through solving problems in R.
- Become familiar with statistics and the R programming language.
- Identify projects useful for next generation research.
- Write an R program useful to the biological research community and share/publish it online (possibly through GitHub).
Overall daily activities (subject to change)
9:00 am – 10:00 am | test and review, games |
10:00 am – 11:00 am | lectures covering specific aims, snacks |
11:00 am – noon | memorize and practice R functions |
noon – 1:00 pm | lunch |
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm | group competitions, games |
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm | programming challenge of the day |
3:00 pm – 3:30 pm | student presentations, games |
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm | career discussion with a professional |
Tentative Career focus
Medical informatician
Physician (medical)
Parents are invited to students’ presentations.
Each group will show a program developed based on the week’s project.
Recognition of the best program.
Refund Policy
The $100 administrative fee will not be refunded once the camp application is accepted.
If a student withdraws, the camp fee paid minus the administrative fee will be refunded if we are notified by May 5, 2019.
If a student withdraws between May 6 and June 2, 2019, we will refund 50 percent of the camp fee paid.
No refund will be given after June 2, 2019.